Child Support Finance

Child Support Basics

(US family law and generally) Raising a child is very tiring and time-consuming, not to mention expensive. The needs of a child can often cost thousands of dollars which is why child support is often given to a mother in need. Child support is a policy that can help a sole parent be financially stable when raising a child. Here are some basic FAQs about child support:

When should child support be paid?

When a parent of a child ends a marriage or a relationship, he or she should make periodic payments to the other parent who is the primary child caretaker.

How long does child support last?

Child support typically lasts until a child legally turns into an adult, at age 18. However, it can vary between each state. The two parents can agree to extend the child support payment into the child’s college years. The agreement has to be enforced by the Family Law Court.

When is child support arranged?

During divorce, a separation of a relationship, or dissolution of a civil union or marriage, child support may be an issue discussed. A father or mother who has the higher income will usually make a monthly payment to the custodial parent.

How is child support determined?

During a relationship separation, the parents’ wages, commission, bonuses, rent, benefits, and much more are taken into account.  These guidelines will help determine the amount of time each child gets with a parent. However, more circumstances are taken into account. Looking up each state’s child support guidelines will help determine the child support amount.

What should a parent do if the other parent does not pay child support?

Notify the court about the whereabouts, the income, and place of employment of the parent not paying child support. Once it is determined that the parent is indeed not paying child support, then the court can find the parent in contempt.

What happens when child support is not paid?

Since the court determines the amount of money pays for child support, the parent refusing to pay child support is defying court orders. The consequences of this action can include jail. However, if you are unable to pay child support, as in the case of unemployment, it is your responsibility to get the child support amount modified.

It is important to hire an attorney to help you in matters concerning family law. A lawyer will make sure that the proper compensation and payment is acquired. Child support is vital in raising a financial steady environment for a child.


Written by Robert Koenig, a personal injury attorney for The Accident Attorneys’ Group.

Robert Koenig

Robert Koenig

Robert Koenig

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