We all know that divorce is a complicated, emotional and stressful process. Even the most amicable of divorces can still be a difficult matter. Before you file for a divorce in the state of Florida, there are a few things you are going to need to do to get prepared. These steps will help lessen the trauma for all parties involved, and ensure that everyone is treated fairly.
Tag: Divorce Lawyers
These days, it seems as if more and more couples are getting divorced. This is especially true when it comes to celebrities, whose marriages—and break-ups—are often front-page news. While some individuals believe that celebrities serve only as a form of entertainment, others suggest that couples may be able to learn something from their frequent divorces. In fact, celebrities may not only teach us how to keep a marriage stable, but also how to separate in a peaceful and respectful manner.
Communication is Crucial
If celebrities have taught us anything when it comes to maintaining a happy marriage, it is that communication is crucial. Proper communication not only helps individuals teach their partner about their wants and needs, but also assists when it comes to the development of stronger listening skills. Unfortunately, celebrities—and for that matter, non-celebrities—have the habit of demanding their desires, without considering those of their partner. Talking each and every day with one’s husband or wife is a must when it comes to managing expectations and maintaining a long and happy marriage together.
Take Your Time
There is no question that the prospect of getting married can be very exciting—especially when one believes that they are deeply in love with their partner. However, it seems as if many celebrities choose to “jump into” marriage before they have a strong understanding of the traits and personalities of their partner. Most marriage experts agree that men and women should take their time when it comes to getting to know their significant other before choosing to pursue a legal commitment. When it can be difficult to prolong the dating process, it may be crucial when it comes to avoiding divorce in the future.
Know When It’s Over
Despite the best efforts of many celebrities, some marriages simply weren’t made to last. And when a couple agrees that the end is near, they may also benefit by looking to celebrities for some tips and recommendations. While many celebrities do try to put on a good front for the sake of their fans and children, this may not be the best plan when it comes to the health of their family. In fact, the Huffington Post suggests that trying to keep a marriage together simply for the sake of children may actually do more harm than good in the long run.
Lawyers Aren’t All Bad
Finally, celebrity divorces have shown us that—despite their less than stellar reputation—many lawyers are not as bad as they are depicted. In fact, experts agree that having an experienced lawyer who is familiar with family law is crucial when it comes to surviving and thriving during the divorce process. Individuals who have never worked with a lawyer in the past may want to consider speaking with friends and family to identify a skilled and professional legal team. Interviewing a lawyer before making a financial commitment can be useful when it comes to finding the right professional for the job.
Divorce Basics
Divorce is never easy for you or your family. At the end of the day you are divorcing your spouse; not your home, kids, or bank accounts. Here is a little foundation on what is needed to begin the steps of divorce in Alabama.
Starting the process
Once you and your spouse have decided to file for divorce, where do you go from there? The Birmingham attorney’s at Parkman & White are experienced Alabama divorce lawyers and will help you through this life event.
The Requirements
In order to get a legal divorce in the State of Alabama at least one of the spouses must have been a legal resident of Alabama for a minimum of 6 months prior to filing for the divorce.
Legal ground for divorce
Alabama requires that the filing party list a reason for the termination of the marriage or divorce. In Alabama spouses can file a “no fault divorce” where the marriage was bound to end on its own terms. Or a party can list that the divorce is due to the other party’s fault, this requires the filing party to present evidence of the fault.
- Adultery
- Crimes against nature
- Spouse has been out of the home for at least 1 year
- Spouse has been in jail for over two years
- Physical abuse
- Confinement to a mental hospital for over 5 years
- Wife was pregnant at the time of marriage without the husbands knowledge
- Drug or alcohol addiction
How long does the process take?
Divorce can be a long and painful process. Thankfully the Birmingham divorce attorneys at Parkman & White have lots of successful divorce law experience and can help you navigate through the process. No-fault divorces are generally a shorter process than contested divorces. Marriages with children and considerable assets also extend the process period. Each divorce is unique if the divorce is a faulted one; there are a number of children, and a high amount of assets the divorce period can extend several months.
When most people think of divorce, they envision scenes from War of the Roses or Kramer vs. Kramer. Yet more people in Tampa Bay are learning that there is another way, collaborative divorce, which is just a sensible method to resolve private family disputes. However, just as mediation was characterized in the 1980’s and 1990’s as a rich person’s option, many people think that the collaborative process is only for the very wealthy. Not only attorneys, but also a collaborative facilitator and financial professional are retained, so only the very rich can afford the collaborative model, right?
A four year study conducted by the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals found that 87% of female participants and 47% of male participants of collaborative family law cases had an annual income of less than $100,000.
Though the collaborative process may not be the cheapest in all cases, it has a substantial opportunity to save you money as compared to the courtroom battles we have all come to associate with divorce.
First, child issues, such as custody schedules and decision-making authority, are some of the most emotional and costliest issues in family law matters. Lawyers in courtroom cases tend to prepare interrogatories (questions) to be answered under penalty of perjury, set depositions, conduct opposition research to put the other spouse in the worst possible light, and prepare for trial. Attorneys’ invoices pile up along each stage of this process. Alternatively, these fees and costs can be greatly reduced in the collaborative process where facilitators, who usually are licensed mental health professionals, can cut through the clutter of emotionally-charged issues and bring the clients (and lawyers) to focus on the future and best interests of the children.
Similarly, a financial professional (who is usually either an accountant or financial planner) adds cost-saving value to the process. In litigated cases, lawyers prepare “requests for production of documents and things” that demand reams of financial documents which could conceivably be relevant. Searching for those documents cost clients tremendous time and money while, when received, the requesting attorney will spend countless billable hours meticulously combing through the documents. In the collaborative process, on the other hand, the financial professional will only request documents that are necessary to make an informed settlement option. His or her expertise in finances enables the financial professional to review and assess the documents and develop settlement options more quickly (and often times at a lower rate) than attorneys.
Finally, the dirty little secret in family law is that the vast majority of litigation cases eventually settle. However, because having a judge decide on the parties’ personal matters always remains a threat, in traditional courtroom divorce the attorneys will always work on two tracks: (i) attempt to settle the case while (ii) conducting opposition research and preparing for the courtroom battle in case the parties cannot come to an agreement. In the collaborative process, attorneys are retained solely for the purpose of settlement and are contractually barred from taking disputes to be decided in court, and so they are not racking up those billable hours planning to fight it out in court.
Now, back to the question, is collaborative divorce only for the wealthy? Absolutely not, and I would be happy to speak with you and talk more about how the process can help your family.
If you have questions regarding how a Tampa Bay collaborative divorce process can help you, schedule a consultation with attorney Adam B. Cordover at (813) 443-0615 or fill out our contact form.
Adam B. Cordover is Vice President of the Collaborative Divorce Institute of Tampa Bay and is a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Adam spearheaded the taskforce that drafted the Hillsborough County collaborative family practice administrative order signed by Chief Judge Manuel Menendez.
Divorce and other family issues can get very frustrating and messy. Whether you are going through an uncontested or contested divorce, some matters will arise that will need an expert to resolve them. Some couples may consider representing themselves during the divorce proceedings, but the presence and services of a family lawyer can significantly reduce the stress and problems that might occur during the procedure.
Family lawyers can not only represent you in the court but also provide legal assistance and advice to both parties in order to settle divorce issues. Simply put, the services of a family lawyer can help ensure that all decisions pertaining to the divorce are made properly and with the acceptance of both parties. Here are some ways in which family lawyers help:
Providing legal advice on annulments and divorce
A family lawyer can offer legal advice and explanations of the circumstances under which a couple may seek divorce after a separation. Some states have laws that require for the filing of annulment under certain situations and within a certain period of time after the marriage, and a family lawyer’s advice and services are needed to understand and follow these laws.
Making all the courthouse presentations and filings
There are various laws at federal, state, and municipal levels regarding divorce proceedings and filings, and a family lawyer can ensure that the necessary pleadings and documents are filed properly. They can also represent you in court and put in favorable light through beneficial evidence and testimony, as well as prevent your spouse from presenting irrelevant, false, or misleading information.
Assistance during property division proceedings
It helps to maintain separate debts and accounts as some amount of protection during a divorce, but it is not enough. There are several federal and state laws that define marital property and the separation of this property, and your family lawyer can not only explain these laws but also tell you how it applies to your particular situation.
Helping through child custody and visitation proceedings
Child custody and visitation issues are determined by the various laws and procedures in various states, and family lawyers can explain the procedure in your state, what the laws are, and what your parenting rights are after entering a court order.
Guiding you through child support issues
Once again, the rules and procedures for determining the child support obligations of the non-custodial parent can vary with each state. Your family lawyer can advise about the procedure in your state and the calculations used to determine child support obligations. He or she can also explain the additions and deductions that can be expected to your child support obligation.
About the author: Guest post from a family law blogger – find services of a family lawyer here
Guest family/divorce blog post.
Parenting after divorce can be quiet confusing, frustrating, and complex. But, it is not that difficult to raise children, coping with various challenges, making them well-adjusted and educated citizens. There are a quite a few aspects that affect your value as a single parent. Taking care of small kids is never easy, particularly for a new parent as they won’t know how to handle the little kid after separation. Many people are unsure how to be a responsible parent after divorce as they would no longer be in the same home to handle all the problems.
How Does the Court Decide the Custodian?
The court gives the decision in the child’s favor, after determining whether its future with new parent is firm or not. Considering aspects like the relationship that a kid shares with each parent and their earning capabilities, the court gives the judgment without affecting the child’s future. The following are some guidelines for co-parenting and dealing with child custody and support after divorce. These helpful tips are the major aspects of post-divorce parenting success.
Attitude Matters the Most
Your attitude plays a major role in the success of any child’s custody; if you follow your divorce case with thecommitment to make it a positive experience for the kid you love, then you’re heading down the right path. The attitude that you have, towards your post-divorcelife, is going to matter a lot. If you’re filled with negativity and poor state of mind, then you may not only lose the case, but also the custody of your ward. It is time for a change to bring in your attitude and thinking. No matter how many weeks or months you take, the decision that you make, is certainly going to affect the relationship for decades to come. So, if you want to be a successful parent after the divorce, then you must be prepared to face whatever difficulties come your way.
If you think that you’re a victim in the process, you should try to show that you are innocent and your claims are true. You can learn many values and benefits from divorce, while you experience the pain at the same time.
You’ll also have to accept your mistakes, and be willing to explore new ways to live your future in a positive manner. You have to take a firm decision as it would affect your child’s behaviour too. But, your perception of life after divorce will greatly determine if you’d eventually become a successful parent or not.
Take Divorce as a Positive Lesson
Many things can be learnt from a painful and excruciating experience of divorce; if you notice those thoughts as ‘gift’ to you, opportunities and wisdom you’ll never have otherwise understood,then you can move forward in life after divorce to become a wiser, stronger, and better person in life. Consider it as an opportunity to overcome your drawbacks, and don’t repeat the same mistakes while raising your child.
Respectful Parenting
Working through the difficulties and challenges of building successful communication with your ex-wife or husband is a goal, which must be performed continuously. Keep your kid in mind before coming to any final decision. Since you and your ex will be parenting your kid in case of co divorce, you’ve to start with the best possible way. Maintain a respectful relationship with your former spouse with level of dignity and awareness in all your communication.
Whatever the reason behind the separation is, try your best not to bring in your kids into the disputes, and be a good parent even after the divorce.
Author Bio
Ira Hopkins has authored many articles on choosing attorneys for co divorce, and often gives suggestion to parents to handle kids after the divorce.
Guest blog post from a lawyer regarding the advantages of divorce barristers.
Divorce is a reality that many couples experiencing trouble in a marriage are staring at.
While it is always better, both emotionally and financially, to look at other means of resolving marital disputes, divorce remains a final solution that requires the services of a reputable divorce barrister.
Finding the Best Divorce Barrister
Divorce has become so common in the modern world that there are legal practitioners who are specialists in this form of judicial requirements. A reputable divorce barrister can even act as a mediator and help couples to arrive at solutions that need not have the finality of a divorce. Such barristers can also help to provide support from the emotional trauma that divorce can subject couples to.
It is always easy to go through the yellow pages or search over the Internet to find a good divorce barrister. However, it makes more sense to ask among friends and acquaintances that have gone through these actions as their personal experience will be something that can be easily related to. Legal advisors can also be a source of finding the best divorce barrister who can take a couple through the proceedings.
The experience of the chosen barrister can go a long way to easing the problems that come with divorce. Quite often, property, businesses and children can become the messy part of a divorce which needs extreme patience and time to sort out – and this is where an experienced lawyer will be of enormous help and will be able to steer you through the pitfalls and quagmire of divorce.
The divorce barrister you choose must be trained to practice so ensure that he or she has the right qualifications, certifications and licenses.
Ensuring You Get the Best from a Reputable Divorce Barrister
It is quite often necessary for both parties in a divorce suit to appoint their own lawyers or barristers. It is necessary to ensure that the chosen legal help has only your interest at heart and is in no way connected or known to the opposing parties. Discuss all aspects of the case with the barrister, especially those dealing with property division and child custody.
It is necessary that the attorney who has taken up your case is completely aware of all the facts of the case. This will enable the barrister to draw up ways to fight the case and also be sure that he or she is fully aware of the likely defence of the opposing counsel.
Keith Cronin is a lawyer with a passion for sharing his knowledge. Keith has contributed this guest article on behalf of Stobart Barristers.
With reports suggesting that the UK may be moving out of recession, many lawyers are predicting a big spike in the amount of divorces they will have to invigilate. Some firms are indicating that they have seen up to a 30% increase in the amount of divorce cases they have to deal with, this could be due to the fact that many couples were putting off a split due to the negative financial implications.
Huge Divorce Drop Back in 2008
The recent rise mirrors a huge drop that occurred just over four years ago when the economic downturn really took hold. With money being too tight to mention and other seemingly more important things on their mind, it appears that couples have just been too busy or broke to consider parting ways, but this looks set to change as the nation starts to look at the possibility of some more stable times ahead.
The official figures actually show that the number of divorces in the United Kingdom dropped for the first two years of the recession and then rose again in 2010 to around 119,00 when the outlook started to look a little bit better.
Another factor that is seen as fundamental is the fact that couples may have been waiting for the price of their property to creep back up again. As the recession worsened, it seems that people became increasingly concerned about their lowered incomes and how much they would get back if they sold their house. Many divorce lawyers believe this led to many couples postponing their plans to split until they could both walk away with a decent return.
Evidently, not many couples predicted that this would actually be the worst recession in modern times and that the financial doom and gloom would continue for so long.
Larger Rise Could Be On The Way for 2013
Now that many believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and property prices may start to rise very soon, a lot of solicitors are seeing a noticeable rise in divorce proceedings and this is set to gather real pace over the next 12 months.
The figures echo predictions from a number of the United Kingdom’s divorce solicitors and represents some of the first clear cut evidence that an even larger spike in divorce applications could be on the way.
Popular Myths about Divorce
There is a popular myth among divorcing couples, which has the mother automatically gaining custody of the children. While this myth is simply not true, it is relatively prevalent among couples and can lead to serious challenges in the preparation of a case. Because a divorce is a time of trouble and considerable emotional hardship it becomes vital to understand all your rights and the actual content of the law before making snap decisions, which is why an attorney is critically important.
Laws today are very different and do not seek to favor one or the other party, especially with regards to child custody. Here are some things that the court does look at; versus the popular urban legends about divorce floating around the water cooler.
Myth: Mothers are automatically favored and will by default be awarded custody of the children, especially if they are young.
Fact: The fact is that mothers are not directly favored, neither are fathers. The law, in states like Florida, spells out very specifically that neither party will be favored and that the law cannot act in the best interest of one or the other party.
Myth: The one making the most money will have to pay a great deal of support and maintenance to the other party because they are not making as much. It is better to have no income or lower income during a divorce.
Fact: The court looks at a variety of factors to make sure the division of assets is equable. This means that income is certainly a factor. However, if one partner is not working or is under employed voluntarily the court will account for income to that person depending on what they are capable of making. This may seem unfair at times, but it is the only way the court can prevent manipulation of the system by voluntary unemployment or underemployment.
Myth: Divorce decrees are written in stone and once they are written there is no going back to change or modify them.
Fact: Circumstances change, often significantly, which allows one or the other party to go back and request the court to change the divorce decrees. Typically courts will not change a property distribution that has been set out but other parts can be changed depending on the circumstances. These include, and are not limited to, child support, alimony, and visitation.
Myth: Lawyers cost an arm and a leg, so it is better to try and represent your own interests in the court. There are many resources to help you and you will be just fine by yourself. Aunt Betty represented herself and was awarded everything but the kitchen sink, so it behooves you to try the legal justice wheel of fortune by yourself.
Fact: The legal justice system is complex and riddled with policy and procedures. Failure to follow the proper process can lead to significant losses. There are many resources available, but often the resources will only show you the exact law which can lead you to more confusion when you try to interpret it. Lawyers are trained for years to ensure that they can follow the correct procedures, understand the laws and statutes fully, and guide you in the best possible manner. Divorces can be expensive, even more so if your former significant other has a lawyer and you are going it alone. Finding out the cost of an attorney and ensuring that you have the right representation are critical in safeguarding your rights.
Andrew Miller is an avid legal blogger and manager of over 20 attorney blogs. This article was written on behalf of Charles R. Ullman & Associates : A North Caroline Divorce attorney.
Divorce and Facebook
The following is a guest post regarding divorce and social networks such as Facebook. For specialist advice from divorce lawyers in Edinburgh, see http://www.familylawedinburgh.co.uk/.
Whilst the Internet and social media are becoming useful tool for dating and relationships (it is estimated that 17% of recently married couples met online) there is a dark side to the Internet’s impact on relationships and it is called Facebook. Research has shown that the world’s largest social media website was implicated in a third of last year’s divorce filings. In fact Facebook has such a stronghold over relationships in general that it is not uncommon for one half of a couple to find out that the relationship is over via Facebook, usually by the other half changing his or her relationship status.
Whilst blaming Facebook for divorce automatically gives the impression of infidelity, this is not necessarily the case. Many of those who filed for divorce are not getting divorced because of Facebook, it may simply be the case that Facebook is sighted in a divorce filing to show the bad behaviour of a spouse for example as evidence of rude or offensive messages. What is certain though is that Facebook and social media as a whole are playing a bigger role in divorce proceedings, either as a cause or as a form of evidence.
Generally speaking there are five grounds for divorce: adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion without consent for more than two years, desertion with consent for more than two years and separation for more than five years. When looking at these grounds it is easy to see how Facebook could be responsible for at least two of the grounds: adultery and unreasonable behaviour.
Why is this so? There are a number of hypotheses and the simplest reason is that Facebook makes communication so easy. For example, what could start out as an innocent conversation with an ex could lead to something not so innocent and this ties in nicely with another reason – Facebook makes it easier to give in to temptation. Whilst it may not seem fair to blame Facebook for temptation, particularly as it does not force you to do anything, it does nevertheless make it easier to do things you know you should not be doing.
Another reason is that Facebook can change people. The ability to connect and see information so effortlessly can make ordinary people paranoid and this in turn leads to many relationship problems. The problem with Facebook and in fact most social media is that what is said and done is often just a snapshot and taken out of contexts something quite innocent can be taken completely the wrong way. Arguably the most common reason is that Facebook leaves a trail. Once something is said or done on Facebook there is an ever present risk of it being placed in the public domain.
In fact Facebook has become such a big problem for relationships that it is not uncommon for couples to deactivate their Facebook accounts to save their relationships. When you really think about it, what may seem like a drastic step could actually be quite sensible and could in fact save many a relationship.
Even if the relationship cannot be saved, Facebook can help with other matters such as maintenance and child custody. Any behaviour on Facebook could be used against one spouse to show what their behaviour in general is like which may be used to determine parenting skills or whether the lifestyle of the spouse is (or is not) suitable for children.
If you are considering divorce proceedings because of something you have seen on Facebook (or otherwise) then you should speak to a divorce solicitor who can advise you on the legitimate grounds for divorce. Divorce can be both emotionally and financially taxing and can result in a number of ancillary issues and therefore it is important to ensure that you appoint an experienced divorce solicitor to represent you.
Once piece of advice any divorce lawyer is almost certain to give you is to refrain from messaging your ex partner or saying anything about them on Facebook during divorce proceedings. Whilst people will be used to sharing their feelings online, once in the public domain this information cannot be recalled. This on its own could make the simplest and most amicable of divorces into the most complicated, contentious and expensive.
Family law claims
As the name would indicate, family law specifically deals with those areas of the legal system relating to domestic and familial matters. However, within the scope of family law, there a number of different types of claims that can be made, relating to different circumstances. These are 3 of the main types of family law claims.
Divorce and child custody
This is one of the most common types of family law claim. Firstly, divorce law can deal with such matters as the division of financial assets, to the rights and arrangements of the parents concerning access to or custody of any children in the wake of a divorce. The issues that can arise within this include those of who gets full residence rights for the children – custody; and who gets visitation rights – access. There will also be issues of legally arranging times for visits, for the parent who does not have custody rights – and dealing with any breach of those arrangements. Click here for divorce solicitors who can help with any of the above matters.
Domestic violence
Unfortunately domestic violence remains extremely common within relationships of all classes, ages and sexual orientations. This area of family law is designed to offer support and protection for those experiencing it. This includes providing information on the legal options available and, if necessary, securing court orders to provide protection for the victim from their abuser.
Civil partnerships
With the Civil Partnership Act having been passed in 2004, these relationships now fall under the jurisdiction of family law, although the arrangements are slightly different from those of divorcing married couples. Civil partnerships family law claims can relate to issues of parental rights and responsibilities, just the same as married couple divorce law, but the difference is in the actual separation: this type of family law deals with specialised orders for the dissolution of civil partnerships, as well as with legal issues that can arise as a result of IVF treatment.
One of the reasons that divorce law is so complex is that very often the rules are a matter of fine interpretation. Deciding what is the best case for a child as young as two or three can come down to a few difficult paragraphs of wording or just a better argued case.
Sometimes, however, the law is perfectly clear cut and in an attempt to simplify divorce legislation, the government has recently put through an amendment which will ‘enshrine’ the rights of both parents to have access to a child. In essence, what was once a complex and subtle issue is to be made explicit and the law will serve the rights of both parents in most circumstances. So do these changes make sense? Has the government made the right move?
Protecting Fathers
Though at all times divorce solicitors will attempt to set out the proper, just way of dealing with an issue, this amendment will undoubtedly benefit fathers seeking access rights. In just under 10% of divorce cases children reside ‘mainly’ with their father and this legislation seeks to correct this bias.
Of course, this should not overrule what is in the child’s immediate interest if, say, a father or mother is violent or unfit for the role, but it does give genuinely willing fathers a leg-up.
Admin over Justice
Plenty of family law solicitors have expressed their discontent with the changes and they claim that the new legislation is simply not required – in calculating the interests of the child, courts already take into account the benefits of having influence from both parents.
When parents are given rights to access, disputes start arising over whether the right to access should be equal or properly apportioned. Undoubtedly, this will put a good deal of extra strain on courts for what will be more or less the same end result.
The Paramountcy Principle
After all is said and done, what realistically and legally matters is the interest of the child – this is the paramountcy principle. Though there are many cases in which both mothers and fathers fall unfortunately the wrong side of the legislation, family law experts do understand and appreciate the benefit of enabling joint access wherever possible. Though these changes might redress the balance between those living with dad and those living with mum, the statistics really aren’t the point – what matters is the child’s well-being and at the moment, judges do all they can to ensure fair access to children.
Though we’ll have to wait and see what the real effects of these changes will be, it’s likely that they will be pretty unpopular throughout the justice system and, as happened in Australia, we might well see a reversal of the law in the future.
Clough & Willis – Manchester based divorce solicitors . Contact 0800 083 0815 for specialist advice & information about divorce law, divorce settlements & child custody.
When you were married, you probably never imagined that it would end in divorce. Now you are right at the beginning of a divorce and might not be sure of what to do next. Perhaps you realize that you need to get a good divorce lawyer, but you are unsure of where to go and who to talk to. If you need some help finding a good lawyer, there are five tips that might guide you in the right direction.
The first tip for finding a good divorce lawyer is to find someone who specializes in family law or in divorce. There are many different types of lawyers that are probably good at what they do, but do not deal with divorce every day. Someone that deals with divorce cases on a regular basis and has taken special care to learn all that they can about divorce might be a better choice of someone that would be able to help you the very best.
The second tip to find a good lawyer when you are getting a divorce is to talk to multiple lawyers as sort of an interview for the job. You might know a lawyer or two that have a good reputation, but when you meet them, it just doesn’t click for you. Perhaps there is someone that you meet with that will make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. Use your common sense, and if you are uncomfortable for any reason with the lawyer, you might want to choose someone else.
The third tip is to tell the lawyer everything! You might be embarrassed about some things that happened during your marriage, or perhaps you think something is irrelevant. Letting the lawyer be the judge of that is probably a good idea because they know things about divorce cases that you don’t. They can take the information and decide what to use to build your case. Lawyers take confidentiality very seriously and will not tell anything that you don’t want told.
The fourth tip in finding a good divorce lawyer is to let the lawyer know what your financial situation is. They can help you the best with your marital financial situation if they know all of the details. You may want to include copies of pay stubs, bank statements, and bills.
The fifth and last tip that might help you to find a good divorce lawyer is to follow up after your initial visit to make sure they really are who they say they are. After a day or two, you might want to call them to see if they followed through on what they said they would do and if they still have the notes and information they will need for your case.
Finding a good divorce lawyer is absolutely important so that you are not left holding all the baggage from the marriage. While you will still have some responsibility, you should have a good lawyer to make sure everything is fair.
Guest post provided by the Phoenix Divorce Lawyers from the Cantor Law Group. Based in Phoenix, AZ The Cantor Law Group handles all aspects of divorce, including adoption, child custody, child support, alimony and other family law matters.
(US family law and general legal info) Child support laws are in place to ensure that adequate financial aid is given to the children from their parents, who are not staying with their children. Usually, child support is associated with divorce or separation, wherein both the parents are not raising their child together. Thus, a financial aid is generally paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent to meet the financial requirements for care and support to the child. Child support amount can include expenses such as food, clothing, medical care, health insurance, education, housing, and other special needs of the child.
A child support lawyer is a specialist lawyer, who has studied family laws and gained legal experience in handling cases related to divorce and child support. If you are facing a separation or divorce case with children, you may need help of an experienced family lawyer.
Benefits of Hiring a Child Support Lawyer
Representing your divorce case may or may not be simple. If the decision is not mutual, it is likely to be emotionally distressing. You may not be able to represent your divorce case on your own. Thus, appointing a lawyer for the same is a wise option. One more reason to appoint an attorney to handle your divorce and child support case is that the divorce laws are complicated, and those related to child support are complex too. In addition to being complex, child support laws are different in every state of the United States.
A lawyer experienced in child support cases can be abreast with all the updates and has expertise in calculating the child support amounts. In case, there is any difference in the calculated figure and the amount announced by the court, your lawyer can protest the same. Your lawyer can also educate about other factors involved in child support such as how to make the payments, whether or not the child support can be recalculated, and when does the child support will stop etc.
Responsibilities and Duties
Job as a child support lawyer entails performing various tasks right from evaluating your case, advising you, conducting counsellings with you and your spouse for possible ways to handle the case.
Child support cases are filed with Department of Child Support Services. A lawyer has to oversee all the cases related to child support with the department. He has to be involved in advising department staff. He advices parents related to legal issues, and who are involved in support actions and paternity.
He prepares for the pleadings, hearings, motions and conducts discovery required for the case trail, and other legal proceedings. Creates and maintains accurate case records. He is also involved in negotiating settlements with your spouse.
A child support lawyer similar to other types of lawyers, focuses on one arena of the legal system representing child support. Such cases are associated with divorce and separation cases. These lawyers obtain a Juris Doctorate degree and should be active member of the state bar association. A child support lawyer will explain to you your rights related to visitation and the extent to which you can be held liable for child support, depending upon your monthly income and other relative factors.
This Guest post is written by Lords Screw. He is a writer for Typeoflawyer.com
Finding the right divorce lawyers
If you feel your marriage may be ending and you are heading in the direction of a divorce, it is a good idea to take a moment to carefully assess your situation and decide whether or not you will be needing legal advice and assistance from a qualified professional. While a divorce can be completed without the involvement of lawyers, various unexpected complications can arise and that is where having a divorce lawyer can help you. They can help with various tasks, ranging from simply filling out the required forms for you to instructing you on what the best choice will be given the situation you are, for example, how much you should be expecting in terms of a financial settlement.
Finding The Right Lawyer
If you have reviewed your situation and decided that hiring a lawyer is the way to go, you must be aware of the fact that not all lawyers are the same and finding one that will best suit you and your needs is also an important part of the whole process. You should determine what you are looking for in the lawyer you will be hiring, taking into account what exactly you will be needing them for, whether they will simply be someone to help you fill out divorce papers versus someone who is going to be aggressive and negotiate strongly for you to receive a better financial outcome.
You should contact a number of lawyers before settling on a single one. Recommendations from family and friends are usually the best way to meet solicitors that will likely serve you well. Additionally, there are websites in existence that allow you to search for lawyers in your area, such as the Legal Adviser Finder (http://legaladviserfinder.justice.gov.uk) resource made available by the Legal Services Commission (LSA), which allows you to specify your postcode and the area of law with which you will be requiring assistance.
The Cost Of Hiring A Lawyer
Lawyers can end up being very expensive, especially if you make extensive use of their services, so you should make sure you are fully aware of their fees before agreeing to anything. It should be further noted that lawyers are bound by law to be completely transparent with their clients when it comes to fees and that they are not permitted to mask any hidden costs.
When it comes to how much it will cost, it is difficult to say with any certainty. A fixed fee is usually agreed in advance, before any work takes place to ensure both lawyer and client are happy with the arrangement. The cost itself will be directly related to how much time and work the lawyer is putting in for the client, which in turn is related to how much you and your partner can agree on. For example, if the lawyer is working around the clock to negotiate an agreement with your spouse’s lawyer because you cannot agree between yourselves, the cost will be significantly higher than if you agreed on all matters.
Mediation & Legal Aid
If you have a limited budget and cannot afford to pay a lawyer to be working on your behalf, you should contemplate using a mediator to solve your problems. A mediator is a neutral individual who works with the couple in order to try to settle any differences and is financially advantageous to both parties, especially if you are entitled to legal aid, which would make the mediation process completely free. To check if you are able to receive legal aid, you can use the LSA’s Legal Aid Calculator (http://legalaidcalculator.justice.gov.uk/calculators/eligiCalc).
This post provided by Darlingtons Solicitors.
Welcome to Family Blawg

Welcome to Family Blawg, a legal news blog on family law for family lawyers, the general public and potential clients of family solicitors.
A complex area requiring advice from specialist solicitors with an understanding and appreciation of sensitive issues, family law and practice involves divorce, separation, wills, children’s rights and divorce settlements.